Family therapy of teenagers — dilemmas and controversies

Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2014, Vol 170, Issue 3


The aim of this article is to present dilemmas with which the psychotherapist working with families with teenagers confronts. For more than a 60-year history of family therapy is used in solving the problems of children and adolescents and several studies have shown that due to its effectiveness, it should be the method of choice in this group of patients. Nevertheless, the practice of family therapy confronts therapists with a number of challenges. Difficulties often arise both during the family consultation and are related to the context of initiating therapy, and in the later stages of therapeutic work. They relate to a variety of issues: issues of authority, responsibility, the distinction between what is common and what is private, understanding of the therapeutic relationship. The article identifies and discusses some of the key dilemmas, illustrating them with short case studies.

Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Józefik


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How To Cite

Barbara Józefik (2014). Family therapy of teenagers — dilemmas and controversies. Psychoterapia, 170(3), 35-45.