Features of feeding of locomotive brigades staff
Journal Title: Єдине здоров'я та проблеми харчування України - Year 2018, Vol 48, Issue 1
The work of locomotive brigade of workers is extremely difficult and tense. Machinists and assistant drivers, working on the railways, are exposed to a number of adverse and harmful production factors. They are exposed to vibration, noise, electromagnetic and infrared radiation. Workers of locomotive brigades work in conditions of unfavorable microclimate, neuro-emotional over-voltage with occurrence of stresses, have irregular, irrational and inadequate nutrition, forced labor posture and insufficient physical activity. The sanitary and hygienic conditions of work of locomotive brigade workers are generally classified in Grade 3 of the Grade II of the Labor Force and the intensity of the labor process in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated April 8, 2014, No. 248. It is proved that nutrition on the locomotive brigade workers is unbalanced and irregular. Majority of locomotive brigade workers get extra (ΔE) 658,32-1020,34 calories, mainly due to the saturated and Trans fats, the use of mono- and disaccharides (75,25 %) is excessive, as opposed to normative values (15-20 %), mostly in the evening hours, which does not correspond to normative values. Most of the consumed food from the daily ration comes to dinner, which adversely affects metabolic processes in the body of machinists and their assistants, causes the development of dysmetabolic disorders, obesity, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases.
Authors and Affiliations
O. M. Arustamian, V. S. Tkachyshyn, O. Yu. Aleksiichuk, N. Yu. Tkachyshyna
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