Features of strategic planning of rural territorial community development

Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue


The purpose of the article is to scientifically justify an index of rural territorial community development as the basis for strategic planning at the local management level. Research methodology. The methodological and theoretical basis of the article has been formed by the modern works of domestic and foreign scientists, as well as the results of their own research. In the research process have been used such methods and techniques: monographic, abstract and logical, statistical-economic, index, system-structural analysis and synthesis. Research results. The researches of many economists on evaluation of development of social infrastructure and living standards of the population are concentrated on the “traditional” ways to solve the problems of preserving of rural areas and rural settlements. Furthermore modern evaluation methods can be used only for an analysis of the macroeconomic environment. At the same time, such methods disregard the specific features of the functioning of rural households, their role in economic circulation ensuring, as well as the impact on external environment. Elements of scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the proposed methodological approaches to evaluation of the current state of the rural territorial community development through the usage of a generalizing indicator that characterizes the internal and external environment of functioning of rural households. Practical significance. Implementation of developed modern toolkit will make it possible to develop and substantiate strategic plans and programs for rural territorial community development at the local management level. Tabl .: 2. Fig. 2. Bibliographer: 24.

Authors and Affiliations

Maksym Kropyvko, Petro Sabluk


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How To Cite

Maksym Kropyvko, Petro Sabluk (2018). Features of strategic planning of rural territorial community development. Економіка АПК, 3(), 5-13. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-597338