Features of the Formation of the Ukrainian National Idea in Journalism at the Turn of the XX–XXI Centuries
Journal Title: Філологічний дискурс - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 7
In the article peculiarities of the development of the Ukrainian national idea from the perspective of the views of well-known publicists on the verge of the XX-XXI centuries are considered. The peculiarities of the formation of the Ukrainian national idea in journalism at the turn of the epoch are considered in the following aspects: historiography – the restoration of the connection of times, cultural and spiritual heredity; the cultural status of our state; the internal economic development of Ukraine, its geopolitical position – the formation of effective foreign policy; the issue «Ukraine and Russia» – analysis of compatibility or incompatibility of national interests of the countries. Much attention is paid to the results of «anatomizing» the mentality of Ukrainian people, which artists carry out by restructuring the genetic code and the historical past of the nation, on removing the whole range of related features. The national idea as a formative factor in the state process is emphasized. Actual attention is paid to the development of the national and philosophical concept, modeling national consciousness of the recipient by the method of «anatomizing» the nation and designing further cultural development.
Authors and Affiliations
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