Feeding of juvenile commercial fish fauna of the Dnieper-Bug estuary system


Fish feeding is one of major component of the knowledge of the processes the formation of resource base for commercial fish harvest in the Dnieper-Bug estuary system. The main objective of the study was to study the qualitative composition of dietary diets of this year's major industrial fish. The scientific works have been carried out according to general accepted ichthyological and trophological methods and guidelines. The study showed that the diet composition of juvenile commercial fish species contained organisms of zooplankton, zoobenthos, as well as phytoplankton and detritus. As for zooplankton, 23 taxa were the most frequently registered, among which 10 species of Rotatoria, 8 species of Cladocera and 5 species of Copepoda. Zoobenthos was represented by 8 systematic groups, among which dominated Chironomidae, Mysidacea, Gammaridae. Spatial analysis showed that the qualitative structure of the gut contents of the studies fishes differed insignificantly. The broadest diet spectrum was recorded for young-of-the-year common bream and silver bream. With a feeding intensity of 47-610/000, juvenile bream the most preferred Cladocera – 58.49±0.32-65.62±0.29% of the gut content weight. Zooplanktonic organisms dominated in the diet of the young-of-the-year tulka (Cladocera – up to 48.62±0.25%; Copepoda – up to 33.49±0.18%; Rotatoria – up to 19.28±0.11% of the gut content weight). At the same time, the consumption of Mysidacea was the highest among the analyzed species – up to 27.77±0.13%. The main food items for young-of-the-year roach in the lower Dnieper were Cladocera – 41.25±0.32% ad Chironomidae – 32.72±0.09% of the gut content weight. The most intensive feeders were young-of-the-year Prussian carp in the lower Dnieper (1120/000) and tulka in the Dnieper lagoon (1020/000). The major prey items for juvenile commercial fish species in the studied area were zooplanktonic organisms. The qualitative structure of the consumed zooplankton highly depended on the zone of the estuary system and fish species. Young-of-the-year Prussian carp and tulka were characterized by highest feeding intensity. The observed situation requires further studies and analysis of trophic relationships of the commercial fish fauna of the region.

Authors and Affiliations

К. М. Гейна, С. С. Шашликова


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  • EP ID EP303861
  • DOI 10.31861/biosystems2017.02.219
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How To Cite

К. М. Гейна, С. С. Шашликова (2017). Feeding of juvenile commercial fish fauna of the Dnieper-Bug estuary system. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 9(2), 219-225. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-303861