Fenomenologiczne inspiracje hermeneutycznego rozjaśniania fenomenu edukacji

Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2015, Vol 60, Issue 2


The problem of phenomenological grounds for hermeneutic explanation of the existential phenomenon of education is based on the assumptions according to which the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl has “hermeneutic roots,” and “hermeneutics is formed on the basis of phenomenology”. In this sense, there exists a mutual, irreducible connection between the phenomenological and hermeneutical philosophy. Among the premises of Husserl’s philosophical project that may be considered relevant in the context of hermeneutic approach to understanding the phenomenon of education we can list: the issue of intentionality of acts of consciousness, the founding (Fundierung) ontology of the part and the whole, and the philosophy of everyday life (Lebenswelt). Those elements show their indisputable importance in the context of examination of both practice and theory of education and training. From this perspective, the phenomenon of education can be considered both in terms of a thematic whole, as well as in its various separate aspects, reflecting and defining the ambiguity and multidimensionality of education and upbringing processes. Exemplification of such aspects, recognized as phenomenological instances in the hermeneutic approach to clarification of education are the following phenomena: illumination, meaning (sense), atmosphere, presence, mystery, otherness and sensitivity.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Gara


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Jarosław Gara (2015). Fenomenologiczne inspiracje hermeneutycznego rozjaśniania fenomenu edukacji. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 60(2), 115-145. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-188540