Fenomenul puterii în concepția mitologică și vi-ziunea anticilor: abordare teoretico-metodologică
Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 1
The article is devoted to studying the phenomenon of power in the religi-ous mythological view and the vision of the authors of antiquity. It highlights the historical stage that sets the theoretical-methodological basis of the nature of power, the necessity of the science of power. It is shown that philosophy con-tributes to the rational explanation of nature, to its essence, to the highlighting of the features, to the particularities of power. The scientific heritage of the au-thors of antiquity has for us a great theoretical and methodological importance in the research of the phenomenon of power. Methodologically it is interesting to analyze the essence of power, understanding its role in the organization of the state, the forms of government.
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