Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 14
Проаналізовано фестивацію як феномен постмодерністської святкової культури, що потрапляє до складного процесу пошуку легалізації новітніх форм культуротворчих цінностей в умовах глобалізму та альтерглобалізму. Розглянуто механізми впливу економічних, соціально-політичних чинників на святкову культуру, що дозволяє аналізувати фестивацію в повсякденно-рефлексивних площинах «культурного – політичного – економічного» співвідношень. The festival, as a phenomenon of postmodern festive culture, falls into the complex process of finding legalization of the newest forms of cultural values. To some extent it acts as an unconventional modern model of holiday against the backdrop of syncretism practices in the presentation of the latter and the desecration of culture. The implementation of the festival in the sense of «desacralization» of traditional holiday practices is primarily due to the globalization of culture as a manifestation of the generalization of traditions. There is a process of unifying the tastes, while feeling. It is clear that such a situation is the result of the manifestations of processes of globalism and alterglobalism, which caused changes in both social mentality and cultural transformations in general. Since holidays are a universal means of transferring social experience from one generation to another, in conditions of globalization, they migrate from one national culture to another, while changing semantics. Traditional holidays in present society, in spite of globalization, are far from being trends, and the real processes, they act as a means of consolidating individuals in order to preserve their group and national cultural traditions. The gradual disappearance of the ethnic features of the holidays, on the one hand, leads to the irreversible loss of entire strata of culture, and on the other hand, to the unification of the palette of holidays; they form the modern character, so to say, of a globalized holiday, a festival, marked with a syncretic character. Such unity of traditions, rituals, customs, spectacles, games, celebrations, carnivals is inherent both for traditional and modern holidays. However, the festival is a modern holiday in the context of revealing the tendencies of globalization and alterglobalism and it emerges as a exaggeration of the holiday component in everyday life. The influence of economic, socio-political factors on festive culture allows us to analyse the festival in the everyday-reflexive planes of «cultural - political – economic» relations. The creative, economic, political and corporate aspects of festive culture are presented in the works of T. Abankina, O. T. Bogomolova, O. B. Dolgin, V. L. Inozemtseva, V. I. Martsinkevich, I. V. Sobolev, T. N. Presikova, V. V. Savchuk, M. A. Khrenova; the globalization project – in the explorations of the domestic scholars V. Kizima, O. Gomilko, T. Lyutoy, E. Andros, R. Shulga, as for the context of the civilization aspect (modern industry and cultural practices) – in the works of Z. Bauman, J. Bernanos, N. Luhmann, F. Muret and others.
Authors and Affiliations
Larisa Babushka
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