Фиксирование связанных корней в двуязычных толковых словарях (Recording bound roots in the bilingual dictionaries)

Journal Title: Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 1


It is a common misunderstanding that international lexical units have the same meaning in different languages. Yet, when we consider the use of international bound roots in Russian we can observe that their usage differs in several aspects from the usage of their equivalences in other languages (here: German). The most obvious aspect is, of course, a difference in meaning (semantic structure). However, there are more factors which lead to a different usage of international units in different languages. For example, we can see that the pragmatic marks of international units can differ because their use is determined by different factors and circumstances (frequency, text, social group etc.). Furthermore, an international unit can have a different function in conversation. We can conclude from these considerations that international units should be included in bilingual dictionaries.

Authors and Affiliations

Dennis Scheller-Boltz


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How To Cite

Dennis Scheller-Boltz (2015). Фиксирование связанных корней в двуязычных толковых словарях (Recording bound roots in the bilingual dictionaries). Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 0(1), 153-165. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-72899