
У статті на прикладі роману Володимира Лиса «Століття Якова» розкривається роль фольклорно-етнографічного матеріалу для творення художнього образу. Аналіз матеріалу показує цікаві вкраплення в розповідь традицій, звичаїв та обрядів. Зазначається, що письменник одночасно звертався до декількох фольклорно-етнографічних пластів, які мали увиразнити його задум. У романі фольклорно-етнографічний матеріал та реальність не конфліктують, навпаки – доповнюють одне одного, виступаючи структурним елементом тексту. In Volodymyr Lys’s novel «Jacobs Century» («Stolittia Yakova») the role of folk-ethnographic material for artistic form creation is highlighted. The analysis showed the interesting interweaving of traditions, customs and ceremonies. It should be noted, that the writer used several folk-ethnographic layers simultaneously. In the novel this material and reality are not opposed – they complement one another. The author integrated this elements into the novel’s art context to immerse deeper into people’s psychology and open up their nature, distinctive worldview and mentality. In V. Lys’s novel the description of everyday life it’s not accidental. First of all, is subjective expression of their consciousness. But, probably, the most important thing is his attainment in that he not only focuses on representing and, remodeling this material, but also tries to reflect the issue of ancient images, conventional folk characters, fleshing it out with contemporary context. We can ascertain the variety and accuracy of figurative national symbols used by the author. The author also uses folklore techniques for portraits. Furthermore, the writer skillfully uses image-symbols. We can name for instance, a cat, a white and a black bird, a red horse, etc., which adds a touch of poetry to this work. According to folk beliefs, these symbol images are multi-valued. The whole range of proverbs, sayings and phraseological units is strongly represented in the novel. They affect expressiveness and unique regional and national color to the language of the work. The writer is well familiar with the customs, rituals, beliefs, signs, traditions and life of Ukrainians. The novel is a valuable source for researchers of Ukrainian traditional culture. The writer wrote a novel on a national basis, vividly recreating the specifics of the era, the distinctive culture of the Ukrainian people, national character and psychology, with its archaic, folklore-ethnographic and household attributes. So, the analysis shows, that the author makes extensive use of folk-ethnographic materials and easily interweaves them into the plot of his work. The character system, that the author used in his work, lead the readers to reflecting on the sense of life, its spiritual values, timeless values of love, good, justice, loyalty.

Authors and Affiliations

Mykola Stasyk


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Mykola Stasyk (2017). ФОЛЬКЛОРНО-ЕТНОГРАФІЧНІ ДЖЕРЕЛА РОМАНУ В. ЛИСА «СТОЛІТТЯ ЯКОВА». Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(16), 60-65. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432159