Фонетичні особливості казок ХІХ ст. з Поділля
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue
In the article it is shown that folklore and ethnographic records are an important source of historical research into Podillya dialects. S. Rudanskiy, K. Sheykovskiy, A. Kopitskiy, A. Dyminskiy, Marko Vovchok and O. Markovych played an important role in researching oral folk art. The author of the research analysed the texts of Ukrainian fairytales, which were recorded in the Podillya region in the middle of the 19th century by A. Dyminskiy and S. Rudanskiy, and composed by M. Levchenko. The texts of these fairytales fi x a great number of Podillian phonetical features, which still exist even now and which demonstrate the remoteness and vitality of these dialects. It has been proved that only authentic texts can serve as a valuable and reliable source for linguistic study of the dynamic Podillyan people’s dialect.
Authors and Affiliations
Borys Kowałenko
Склад і складоподіл в українській мові: фонетичний і фонологічний аспекти
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