Formation and functioning of the corn market in Ukraine

Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue


The purpose of the article is to substantiate methodological and theoretical principles, identify the main problems and directions of development of the corn market in Ukraine, and analyze the trends of formation and development of the domestic corn market. Research methods. In the research process the following methods have been used: monographic for the processing of professional literary sources and work with a textual presentation of the mentioned problem; systemic for specification of categorical apparatus; economic, mathematical and statistical for working with statistical information and outputting analytical expressions; logical for determination of positive social and economic effects, in order to summarize the results and form conclusions. Research results. The article analyzes the current state, problems, and tendencies of functioning of the corn market in Ukraine, the volume of domestic production, exports, imports, consumption, and the main financial indicators of implementation. Dynamics of balance of the Ukrainian grain corn market has been described. Main directions of improvement of the system of formation and functioning of the corn market have been determined. In recent years there has been an increase in the total production volume of corn. Growth in demand for corn in the world market has become an impetus for national producers of this product in our country. Indication of this is the growth of the cultivated area almost twice during the ten-year period, as well as the corresponding increase in corn’s export outside the country. Elements of scientific novelty. It has been substantiated theoretical, methodological, and practical recommendations concerning formation and functioning of the corn market in Ukraine. Practical significance. The main results of the research are an important prerequisite for solving issues related to increasing of an efficiency of the grain corn market in Ukraine. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 11.

Authors and Affiliations

Mykola Talavyria, Ihor Vashchenko


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How To Cite

Mykola Talavyria, Ihor Vashchenko (2018). Formation and functioning of the corn market in Ukraine. Економіка АПК, 9(), 28-33.