Formation of Students’ Creative Personality by Means of Foreign Languages

Journal Title: International Journal of Education and Science - Year 2019, Vol 2, Issue 1


Background and Aim of Study: The research deals with the ways of forming students’ creative personality in classes of foreign languages. The aim of the study: to outline the didactic means of forming students' creative personality and to prove their efficiency. Materials and Methods: In the current research the following methods have been applied: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, generalisations and systematisation of scientific theoretical and methodological literature) – in order to define notions of the research, outline peculiarities of students' creative personality formation CC formation and specify its structure; empirical – diagnostic (discussions, questionnaire, testing, pedagogical observation, expert questionnaire) to study results of the educational activity and determine the level of students’ formed creative personality; pedagogical experiment (starting, forming, controlling stages) to verify efficiency of the system of corresponding didactic means based on the elaborated methodology. Results: A set of didactic means such as role-based activity, step-by-step pedagogical technology and follow-up reflexion activity are applied in the research. It is proved that gradual and personally oriented approach should be applied in the pedagogical process. Such techniques as “Merry-Go-Round”, “First Impression”, “Double Interpretation” and others are revealed in the article. Conclusions: Efficiency of the proposed methods has been verified by indicators of personal, cognitive and pragmatic criteria. Dynamics of the students' formed creative personality in experimental and control groups at the starting and final stages of the experiment is analysed.

Authors and Affiliations

Tetiana Vasylivna Kolbina, Olena Olekseiivna Oleksenko


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  • EP ID EP600907
  • DOI 10.26697/ijes.2019.1.01
  • Views 133
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How To Cite

Tetiana Vasylivna Kolbina, Olena Olekseiivna Oleksenko (2019). Formation of Students’ Creative Personality by Means of Foreign Languages. International Journal of Education and Science, 2(1), 7-13.