Formation of Terminological Competence of Future Specialists in the Study of Humanitarian Disciplines
Journal Title: Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах - Year 2018, Vol 58, Issue
The article describes the pedagogical problem of forming the terminological competence of future specialists in higher education institutions. while studying humanitarian disciplines. The emphasis is placed on the fact that reforms in modern education, built not only on the principle of acquiring knowledge and skills, but also the acquisition of terminological competence of future specialists. The terminological competence of future specialists during the study of humanitarian disciplines is defined as the ability to use professional terms during professional activity, to understand and apply professional expressions in various situations of professional communication with the obligatory use of professional vocabulary, based on the experience gained during university studies. Knowledge of terminological vocabulary is necessary for future specialists, first of all, when reading and understanding professional texts in a higher education institution in order to receive certain information in the process of learning, writing a lecture, etc., and in future professional activities, for conducting a professional-oriented conversation, discussions with foreign specialists, etc. Therefore, teachers of humanitarian disciplines should pay attention to the basic properties of terminology, how to semanticize its meaning in the texts of professional direction. The efficiency of acquiring terminology and its active use in oral and written professional speech during the study of humanities is to a large extent dependent on the diversity of exercises consistently aimed at both the thorough understanding of terminology and the enhancement of speaking and listening skills necessary for the use of this terminology in vocational and speech situations. Such principles are laid in the basis of the development and formation of terminological competence of future specialists during the study of humanities disciplines. It is proved that the formation of terminological competence of future specialists during the study of humanitarian disciplines includes: mastering professional terminology, vocational terminology literacy in oral and written speech, ability to conduct conversations, analyze, persuade, solve communication problems in situations of professional communication. The terminological competence acquired by future specialists in higher education institutions during the study of humanities is the basis for their further professional and scientific activities.
Authors and Affiliations
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