Formation of the personality of the future teacher as a key condition for establishing the organization of constructive activity of children


The problem of organizing constructive activity of the personality has been analyzedin the article. The authors emphasize the expediency of using exercises, special trainings for professionally directed student leisure activitiesin the practice of teacher training. A number of requirements for the use of the project method for the training of future teachers for the organization of constructive activity of children has been outlined in the article. Among themthere are: the presence of a pedagogically significant problem in the subject of projects, the complexity and relevance of which corresponds to the educational needs and needs of students; the research character of the search for solutions to the problem and the availability of the necessary tools; structuring activities according to the classical stages of designing; modeling conditions for students to identify learning problems; amateur nature of the creative activity of project participants; practical or theoretical value of the result of the activity and readiness for implementation during the production practices; the pedagogical value of the activity (which new knowledge and skills were gained by students in the process of project implementation).

Authors and Affiliations

Viktoriya Viktorivna Vorozhbit-Gorbatyuk, Oksana Mykhailivna Popovych, Irina Ivanivna Bretsko


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Viktoriya Viktorivna Vorozhbit-Gorbatyuk, Oksana Mykhailivna Popovych, Irina Ivanivna Bretsko (2017). Formation of the personality of the future teacher as a key condition for establishing the organization of constructive activity of children. Науковий вісник Мукачівського державного університету. Серія "Педагогіка та психологія", 2(6), 123-126.