From 13th Centurty to 21th Century: the Sociological Reflections to the Contemporary Society From Mawlana’s Meaning Society
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2014, Vol 14, Issue 2
It can be seen that Mawlana Jalaluddin Muhammad al-Balkhi al-Rumi, in his books, gives a special importance to social subjects and events. In this frame, the concepts such as society and community have a significant place in Mawlana’s social issues. Also, the meaning that Mawlana gives to the concept of society, his explanation about society’s conscience or collective consciousness, the interpretation that he makes about individual-society relationships, his approach to social integration and unity, his typology and analysis of social stratification, his functional explanations on governors, rulers, people being governed and scholars, his symbolic commentaries pertaining to different matters, his approaches on social aspects of religion, religion-society relations, and so forth show the importance that he gives on social dimensions of religion and, in this context, of religion-society relations are important. This study aims to understand and interpret the sociological reflections to the contemporary society from Mawlana’s meaning society in his Masnavi.
Authors and Affiliations
Ejder Okumuş
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