From Mental Disorder to Recovery: Cultural Effect


The structure that composes individuals' attribute, meaning and value is defined as culture. Emotions, thoughts and behaviors are shaped by the culture in which the individual lives, and these behavioral patterns become meaningful in the social network in which they are experienced. While some of these behavioral patterns are accepted by the society, some are excluded. Behaviours other than those accepted by the society manifest themselves in the expression of symptoms of mental disorder. While the cultural structure is addressed both on the basis of the mental disorder statement, and shows the effects of the individual in there recovery process defined as living with mental disorder statements, coping with disorder, regaining control of life and finding meaning from life. In this respect, it is thought that considering an individual's cultural background of an individual with a mental disorder and taking care of the positive effects of the culture during the recovery process would have significant contribution. There view written with this purpose will examine the effects of culture on symptoms of mental disorder and the way to recovery from mental disorder.

Authors and Affiliations

M. Olcay Çam, Merve Uğuryol


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  • EP ID EP427721
  • DOI 10.18863/pgy.391783
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How To Cite

M. Olcay Çam, Merve Uğuryol (2019). From Mental Disorder to Recovery: Cultural Effect. Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 11(1), 55-64.