From traditional perspectives on giftedness to embracing talent development: A transition based on scholarship in psychological science
Journal Title: Educational Psychology - Year 2015, Vol 50, Issue 8
The work described in this article provides a rationale for a movement away from traditional views of giftedness toward a psychology of developing talent. Although we recognize that individuals have differing amounts of innate and acquired abilities, the central feature of this perspective is that ability, whether intellectual, artistic, or physical, is malleable and needs to be continually developed to meet increasingly more challenging indicators of giftedness over time. In 2011, Subotnik, Olszewski-Kubilius, and Worrell searched the broad psychology literature on giftedness. In the course of this search, they were able to incorporate conceptions from earlier models with research traditions in expertise, high performance in sport and art, as well as the development of eminence in scholarly domains. The resulting synthesis led to the creation of the mega-model, named to recognize the contributions of those theories and models that came before.
Authors and Affiliations
Rena Subotnik, Paula Olszewski-Kubilius, Frank Worrell
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