Fr.Petrarka life art-speices and its suppression to the Reinessance philosophy

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 1


Reinescance philosophy will expected appeal world-outlook what determined profoundly hermetic sense. With the development of humanitarian knowledge, that is a trying to the solved much complex problem’s and testify step-by-step notion’s in the general theoretical course. The human being as a unique micro-macrocosm species ontological ground and gained the Universe idiosyncrasy dealing the conditions and foundations of the metaphysical dialectic. Fr.Petrarka reconstructed the whole complex pantheistic tradition and magical ideas of nature that symbolized unending creative possibilities. The author of this article defended thesis that the study theoretical studies by Italian creator has an urgent inner join with ontological and theoretical-cognition statements in the context of humanistic tradition.

Authors and Affiliations

Illya Klochkov


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How To Cite

Illya Klochkov (2018). Fr.Petrarka life art-speices and its suppression to the Reinessance philosophy. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(1), 85-95.