
Статтю присвячено вивченню одного із соціолінгвістичних факторів, що визначають мовну поведінку індивіда, – гендерного. Розглянуто релевантність гендерного фактору в рамках аналізованих зразків мовної поведінки в різних ситуаціях, вербалізованих у англомовному художньому дискурсі. The intent of current research was to study the peculiarities of the verbs denoting speaking functioning in the modern English literary discourse in connection with the gender of the speaker. The topicality of the work is proved by the common interest of modern linguists both to the nature and characteristics of discourse and means of actualization of gender stereotypes and speech behaviour in it. Corresponding to the aim of the work, the following tasks were set: to create the theoretical background for studying gender speech tactics in connection with stereotypes, to find out the connection between the gender of the participants of communication and the choice of the verbs denoting their speech act. As the material for the research «Assassin» by A. Britton and «They Sought Love» by B. Cartland were chosen. The phenomenon of literary discourse is seen as picturing the reality with the stereotypical ideas belonging to a certain etnocultural society. It is the pragmatic function of the literary discourse that makes it relevant for the addressee. Ethnocultural traditions, stereotypes, picture of the world are verbalized in literary discourse. As the result of total selection based on several dictionaries of the English language we obtained more than 150 examples of verbs of speaking that form hypersynonymic group of verbs of speaking with subdivision into smaller synonymic groups according to the additional seme denoting ways of speaking inside it. Neither lexicographical source can give the idea of connection with gender priority of usage of these verbs. However, contextual situations of the literary discourse appeared to show the asymmetry. The results obtained with the help of quantitative and comparative analysis can explain the usage of the verbs of speaking from synonymic groups with the dominant «cry» and «speak» ironically in case of male reference and with the dominant «murmur» and «say» mischievously in case of female reference. Thus male speakers prefer more exact ways of speaking when giving information, they are not inclined to hide their anger in situations connected with the sphere of work or in case of intrusion into their private life, but follow the rules of etiquette when courting a woman though frequently substituting feelings’ expression with irony. Female speakers have much weaker position, they tend to hide the expression of feelings, accept men’s courting with playfulness, demonstrate anger or confidence when concerning their private life.

Authors and Affiliations

Оксана Анатоліївна Коваленко, Марина Олексіївна Яценко


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Оксана Анатоліївна Коваленко, Марина Олексіївна Яценко (2018). ФУНКЦІОНУВАННЯ ДІЄСЛІВ МОВЛЕННЯ В СУЧАСНОМУ АНГЛОМОВНОМУ ХУДОЖНЬОМУ ДИСКУРСІ: ГЕНДЕРНИЙ АСПЕКТ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 11(19), 254-261. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-569448