Гарантии соблюдения разумных сроков рассмотрения дела и процессуальные механизмы борьбы с затягиванием судебного процесса

Journal Title: Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe - Year 2019, Vol 19, Issue 2


In the article, the author reveals the legal nature of a reasonable timeframe for the consideration of a case as the basic guarantee of the right to a fair trial, as well as main procedural mechanisms to combat the protraction of a case and the abuse of the procedural rights of participants in the case. It is concluded that procedural mechanisms to combat the abuse of the procedural rights by participants in the case is an essential attribute that contributes not only to the consideration of the case within a reasonable timeframe, but also, in some way, to protect the judiciary from the arbitrariness of those who unjustly attempt to obtain a decision in their favor.

Authors and Affiliations

Виктор Заборовский, С. Б. Булеца, А. В. Стойка


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How To Cite

Виктор Заборовский, С. Б. Булеца, А. В. Стойка (2019). Гарантии соблюдения разумных сроков рассмотрения дела и процессуальные механизмы борьбы с затягиванием судебного процесса. Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe, 19(2), 127-150. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-593332