Genealogy of Heidegger’s dialogue with Kierkegaard: Between doxography and historiography
Journal Title: ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ - Year 2013, Vol 5, Issue 5
Genealogy of Heidegger’s dialogue with Kierkegaard: Between doxography and historiography by Andrei Karpenko aims at critical assessment of methodological approaches to historical analysis of Heidegger’s references to Kierkegaard. Heidegger’s relation to existentialist philosophy seems to be one of the issues which are deeply contaminated by the philosopher’s ambivalent self-interpretations distorting the course of objective historico-philosophical study of real links between Heidegger’s discourse and the legacy of existentialist thinkers. Analysis of reflexive literature on the problem of how to identify the character of interference between philosophical discourses of Heidegger and Kierkegaard allowed revealing the critical lines of doxography and historiography. Doxographical approach is averted from the dimension of concrete texts to logical anachronistic speculations over seemingly evident contextual influence of Kierkegaard on Heidegger. Such strategy is legitimate to sustain logical descriptions of the categories exempted from the certain paradigm but it is useless to reveal factual genealogical links between the discourses of the two philosophers. Descriptive studies seem to fall prey to Heidegger’s hermeneutic ambiguity in referring not so much to Kierkegaard but rather Kierkegaardianism, a superficial filiation of existential philosophy. It is proved that historiographical approach enables to objectively examine genetic relations of Heidegger’s categories to their homonymous doubles in Kierkegaard. Such Kierkegaardian categories as Existenz and Angst come to Heidegger through Jaspers and are taken in the context of Augustine and Luther. The only category directly taken by Heidegger from Kierkegaard is Augenblick.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrei Karpenko
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