Genetic Determinantions of Choosen Motor Predispositions of Children and Youth in Kielce Population - Part II Co-ordination
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2005, Vol 15, Issue 30
The problem of determinations of co-ordination motor abilities was presented in not many scientific publications [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. The solution of this problem has nowadays great importance in the practice of sport selection and in the analysis of sports achievements. Results of the research allow to determine adjustment abilities of an individual, they help to prepare the line of coaching and also suggest desirable adjustment changes in professional life and physical education. This presentation concentrates on assessment of the strength of genetic conditioning of selected co-ordination motor abilities. 05 full families (mother, father, and a child) were investigated. Measurements of balance, motor-optical coordination, orientation in space and were taken. The ability to notice and to think logically was also measured through J.C. Raven's test of templates. The strength of genetic control for particular features was established by means of classical methods of genetics of quantity traits and on the basis of resemblance between parents and children. That led to the following calculations:- intra-family rates of correlation (7-10, 11-14, 15-19 age groups)- rate of correlation between parents as the measure of assortative maltting.- on the basis of corrected rates of correlation (corrected in case of possible influence of assortative maltting) heredity rate was calculated h2 = 2Csk.The analysis of achieved results led to the following conclusions:1. It was noticed that sons bear more resemblance than daughters to their parents as far as functional traits are concerned.2. Full genetic control appeared only in the situation where developmental possibilities were used (age group 15-19).
Authors and Affiliations
Elżbieta Cieśla
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