The aim of the monitoring was to check the species composition of amphibians in artificial small ponds and the colonization rate inside these ponds that have been used to improve breeding abilities of amphibians in the B...
Slopes are the most common element of relief, which are formed and modified by the variety of morphogenetic processes. The most important processes are mass movements and water erosion. Mass movements lead to flattening...
Neither in the Beskid Niski Mts. nor in the Magurski National Park has a specialised inventory of coprofagous Scarabaeoidea been taken so far. The only fragmentary data about these insects comes from the Polish Fauna Cat...
It was revealed that the current biomass growth of trees at the age of 120–250 years may reach a value of 0,08–0,14 m[sup]3[/sup] /year in the uplands and lower mountains. Near the timber line, in the forests of
Picea a...
In years 2010–2011 stocktaking research of araneofauna from the Bieszczady National Park was done. Among 202 spider species discussed in this study 64 were not enumerated from this Park until now. After summing up biblio...
EP ID EP150601
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How To Cite
Robert Stopka (2011). Geomorfologiczne skutki działalności bobra europejskiego Castor fiber w dolinie górnego Sanu. Roczniki Bieszczadzkie, 19(1),
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Monitoring of amphibians populations in the Bieszczady National Park
The aim of the monitoring was to check the species composition of amphibians in artificial small ponds and the colonization rate inside these ponds that have been used to improve breeding abilities of amphibians in the B...
Determinations of the slope fragmentation in the High Bieszczady Mountains
Slopes are the most common element of relief, which are formed and modified by the variety of morphogenetic processes. The most important processes are mass movements and water erosion. Mass movements lead to flattening...
Preliminary studies on the dung beetles Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea in the Magurski National Park and its environs
Neither in the Beskid Niski Mts. nor in the Magurski National Park has a specialised inventory of coprofagous Scarabaeoidea been taken so far. The only fragmentary data about these insects comes from the Polish Fauna Cat...
Increase of old age trees in forest of the Carpathian part of the Dniester river basin
It was revealed that the current biomass growth of trees at the age of 120–250 years may reach a value of 0,08–0,14 m[sup]3[/sup] /year in the uplands and lower mountains. Near the timber line, in the forests of Picea a...
Materials to the knowledge of spiders Araneae of the Bieszczady National Park
In years 2010–2011 stocktaking research of araneofauna from the Bieszczady National Park was done. Among 202 spider species discussed in this study 64 were not enumerated from this Park until now. After summing up biblio...