German Influence on the Eu Monetary Policy

Journal Title: Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai - Year 2012, Vol 37, Issue 4


This paper presents the analysis of German monetary policy and its influence on the formation of the European Union monetary policy from the historical point of view. Germany’s monetary policy with its independent Bundesbank was quite successful since 1950th. Strong Deutsche Mark has become one of the main currencies in Europe and particularly in the European Community. Other weaker European currencies had to tie their own currencies the German mark. In the negotiation process on the monetary union Germany took very active part and was a leader in creating European currency that is why the European Central Bank has acquired the main features of the German Bundesbank

Authors and Affiliations

Romana Mikhel


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How To Cite

Romana Mikhel (2012). German Influence on the Eu Monetary Policy. Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai, 37(4), 101-107.