Journal Title: Scientific Work - Year 2024, Vol 18, Issue 6


Abstract This article examines global energy policies and energy agreements, discusses the importance of energy to countries, identifies and substantiates problems in global energy policy. Today, global energy policy is mainly analyzed in terms of oil and natural gas. The regions that form the basis of these policies are the Middle East, Central Asia and Caspian regions, which have the largest share in terms of resources. There is serious global competition in the field of exploration, production and delivery of oil and natural gas to international markets. Energy is a vital issue for the European Union, as it is for the rest of the world. The importance of energy comes from the fact that it is used as a basic resource in almost all economic activities. Energy is concluded as an indispensable factor for economic development. In addition, energy has properties that make life easier and improve people's quality of life. Based on the research, the author suggests that the European Union, which has a unique structure, should not be neglected in this vital energy field. Although the EU is not indifferent to the energy issue, it is still debatable whether the progress made in the energy field is sufficient to meet the EU's energy needs.

Authors and Affiliations

Samra Zulfigarova


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  • EP ID EP747728
  • DOI 10.36719/2663-4619/103/108-113
  • Views 1
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How To Cite

Samra Zulfigarova (2024). GLOBAL ENERGY POLICIES AND ENERGY CONTRACTS. Scientific Work, 18(6), -.