Good-Neighbourhood in Interstate Relations and Realization of Educational Projects of Ukraine and Poland
Journal Title: Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 9
The author of the article discloses the formation of interstate relations between Ukraine and Poland since the early 90's of the 20th century, which positively affected the ties between these states. The article analyzes the close relations between the states due to the geopolitical situation, deep historical, cultural and economic ties. Poland actively supports Ukraine in joining the Euro-pean Union and NATO, acts as an intermediary in this process, gaining additional authority and significance in the international arena.
Authors and Affiliations
„Był on dla mnie nie tylko nauczycielem, ale jakby starszym bratem i towarzyszem” – o relacjach nauczycieli domowych z pracodawcami i ich dziećmi w Królestwie Polskim w XIX i na początku XX wieku „He Was not Only a Teacher for Me, but as if He Were an Older Brother and Companion” – on the Relationships between Home Teachers and Their Employers as well as the Employers’ Children in the Kingdo
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