Good – Truth – Beauty in the Contemporary Art
Journal Title: Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana. Rocznik Wydziału Pedagogicznego Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie - Year 2014, Vol 17, Issue 0
It is a common assumption that for an artist abilities and talent are something natural and obvious. However, what contributes to an artistic success, even the smallest one, apart from intangible talent is also work. This kind of work is painstaking, systematic and selfless. This selflessness in art is the basis of any artistic activity. Every work of art, painting, sculpture, music or literature (poetry) is, in a sense, the liberation of personality. Art is the realm of emotions – it is an emotion, which cares about its good and proper form. Art should, through its quality, educate, pacify but, at the same time, disturb, it should make us think and ponder on our lives as well. It is significant that an educated man should also be shaped through art, philosophy, religion and even politics. History proves the permanent value of classic sculpture and Greek temples. It is not necessary for all values to be equally either objective or subjective. Art in Poland transformed itself and changed depending on the era. It was different in the 15th century, different during the partitions, in the interwar period and different during the Martial Law (1981–1983) as well as after Poland regained independence after 1989. Although many years have passed, education through art in our educational system has not improved. Instead of teaching art, doubts are raised whether it is worth dealing with art at school at all. On the other hand, aggression is spreading on a greater scale, not only in the street but also at schools, yet sometimes many teachers fail to notice that. To restore the proper order of things as well as the hierarchy of values art is indispensable.
Authors and Affiliations
Irena Popiołek
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