Graded-Gap Technology Formatting of High-Speed GaAs – Transistor Structures as the Basis for Modern of Large Integrated Circuits
Journal Title: Фізика і хімія твердого тіла - Year 2015, Vol 16, Issue 1
Reducing the size of silicon devices is accompanied by an increase in the effective rate of electrons, decrease transit time and the transition to a ballistic work. Power consumption is reduced too. Formation of large integrated circuits structures on Si-homotransition reduces their frequency range and performance. Nowadays proposed several new types of devices and technologies forming of large integrated circuits structures that based on high speeds and mobility of electrons in GaAs, and small size structures. These include, for example, the heterostructure field-effect transistors on a segmented doping, bipolar transistors with wide-emitter, transistor with soulful base, vertical ballistic transistors, devices with flat-doped barriers and hot electron transistors as element base of modern high-speed large integrated circuits. In this article we consider graded-gap technology formatting as bipolar and field-effect transistors, which are the basis of modern high-speed of large integrated circuits structures.
Authors and Affiliations
S. P. Novosyadlyy, A. M. Bosats'kyy
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