Гражданско-правовое регулирование реорганизации юридического лица в Республике Беларусь и Украине / Civil-Law Regulation of Reorganization of the Legal Entity in the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine
Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2016, Vol 15, Issue 2
The concept and essence of such Institute of civil law as legal entity reorganization are discussed. There is a lack in the doctrinal level of unified approach to the definition of reorganization. The main features of reorganization are highlighted that distinguish it from the liquidation of a legal entity. The place of the reorganization in the system of legal facts is analyzed, in particular, the possibility of attributing the reorganization to a variety of civil transactions. Differences have been marked in the legal regulation of the Institute of reorganization of legal persons in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine. The purpose and mission of the Institute for reorganization of a legal entity are revealed and the fallacy of the approach to determining the nature of this institution as grounds for termination of activities of a legal entity is substantiated. The author's definition of reorganization of a legal entity is offered taking into account the main characteristics of this legal phenomenon. The conclusion about the necessity of doctrinal and legislative consolidation of the concept of reorganization of a legal entity is made to resolve existing debates in this area and ensure uniform interpretation of the legal nature of the reorganization in law enforcement.
Authors and Affiliations
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