Громадський контроль за діяльністю Національної гвардії України: стан та перспективи правового регулювання
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2017, Vol 77, Issue 1
Розглянуто особливості та форми здійснення громадського контролю за діяльністю Національної гвардії України. З’ясовано сфери відносин, що підлягають перевірці та оцінці з боку відповідних суб’єктів, які здійснюють громадський контроль за діяльністю Національної гвардії України. На підставі аналізу законодавства та наукової думки обґрунтовано доцільність збільшення форм здійснення цього виду контролю за діяльністю військових формувань з правоохоронними функціями. Сформульовано пропозиції щодо вдосконалення чинного законодавства. The features of realizing public control over the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine have been researched in the article. The author has emphasized on the social function of social control – legitimization of political power, fighting against authoritarian tendencies and protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens. It has been established that public control (in the narrow sense) – is a public assessment of the extent of performing social tasks, compliance with certain social norms, correction of established deviations by the government and other controlled objects. The properties and forms of exercising such a control have been studied. It has been emphasized that the essential difference of public control from other types of control is the lack of state and powerful content within response measures. Therefore, the decisions of NGOs, citizens’ appeals, information of mass media by the results of public control are recommendatory in nature or are the basis for conducting appropriate verification by authorized agents of the government. It has been concluded that public control over the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine is carried out by: citizens, public (legal advocacy) organizations and mass media. It has been indicated that public control over the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine includes: the implementation of social tasks directly related to the protection and realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens; establishment of social needs and interests of the population and their satisfaction within the law; compliance with the rule of law principle by the officials and the units of the National Guard of Ukraine, the performance of anti-corruption legislation by them, etc. It has been emphasized that the subjects of public control should not interfere in the sphere of military service and military formations. On the basis of the analysis of the content of the forms of public control over the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine the author has established that the mechanism of such a control is not ideal. The author has grounded the implementation of new forms of control and offered the author’s version of the new legal norms of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Guard of Ukraine” concerning the aspect of reporting by the command on the activities of the departments and public involvement to handle complaints for the actions or omission of the personnel of the National Guard.
Authors and Affiliations
Тетяна Олександрівна Байрачна
Перехід на бік ворога в умовах воєнного стану або в період збройного конфлікту як одна з форм вчинення державної зради
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