Health behaviours and position of health in the hierarchy of values among adolescents

Journal Title: Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu - Year 2015, Vol 21, Issue 3


Introduction. Health should be perceived as one of the greatest values in human life. At the same time, relatively little attention is paid to this problem in the process of education of adolescents. Objective. The presented study is an introduction to the scope of problems devoted to the health education of adolescents. Adolescents’ knowledge concerning health and its importance in life is frequently insufficient; therefore, it should be actively supported by the system of health education. Health behaviours and a health promoting life style should become important components in the hierarchy of values acknowledged by adolescents, because this would allow the creation of foundations for continuing concern about health in adult life. Brief description of the state of knowledge. Health behaviours are among the most important factors determining the state of health of an individual. Physical activity and an adequately balanced diet are a basis for the proper development of adolescents. The results of current activities aiming at an improvement of the state of health of adolescents are unsatisfactory; hence, the necessity for an in-depth analysis based on self-reported health and good general wellbeing. Summary. Health promoting behaviours are exponents of attitudes towards health, which result from values adopted by individuals; therefore, the need is indicated for counselling, support and assistance to young people in the shaping of these behaviours.key wordsł physical activity, health promoting life style, adolescents

Authors and Affiliations

Sebastian Wagner, Mariola Banaszkiewicz, Anna Andruszkiewicz, Agnieszka Strahl, Adrian Miler, Alodna Kubica


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  • EP ID EP79455
  • DOI 10.5604/20834543.1165353
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How To Cite

Sebastian Wagner, Mariola Banaszkiewicz, Anna Andruszkiewicz, Agnieszka Strahl, Adrian Miler, Alodna Kubica (2015). Health behaviours and position of health in the hierarchy of values among adolescents. Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu, 21(3), 278-281.