Health knowledge and risky behaviours among university students
Journal Title: Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu - Year 2010, Vol 16, Issue 1
Adequate life style may be chosen provided that an individual possesses a proper level of knowledge concerning is scope and importance. Information about health and disease coming to man from various sources are usually willingly acquired, and in association with knowledge received within educational activities in a family and the didactic process planned affect individual attitudes towards health. The objective of the study was the evaluation of the relationship between the level of health knowledge and risky behaviours occurring in the environment of university students. The study covered a group of 521 students from the Rzeszów Region and was conducted by means of a test for the assessment of the level of health knowledge designed by the author and a questionnaire form specifying the level of unfavourable behaviours in the following categories: sleep, leisure and physical activity, nutritional habits, perception of stress and coping with stress, use of stimulants and pharmaceuticals. The analyses showed that nearly a half of the respondents had low level of knowledge about health. The level of students’ health knowledge clearly varied according to the area of study. The highest level of health knowledge was noted among students of medical disciplines. In general, the study group was characterised by medium and low level of risky behaviours. In all groups of the students examined (medical, humanistic, mathematical studies) no statistical relationship was observed between the level of health knowledge and the level of risky behaviours (p>0.05). The level of health knowledge concerning the selected human health factors did not significantly affect the level of risky behaviours among the students in the study.
Authors and Affiliations
Monika Binkowska-Bury, Małgorzata Marć, Paweł Januszewicz
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