Health-related fitness in adults aged 20–59 years
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2013, Vol 23, Issue 63
Aim of the study. Evaluation of differences in health-related fitness (H-RF) among adults residing in Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship due to age and with regard to socioeconomic factors such as: level of education, place of residence, and financial situation.Material and methods. The study was performed using the method of observation of 1,032 people aged 20–59 years, including 517 women and 515 men. Morphological, muscular, motor, and cardio-respiratory components were taken into account in the assessment of physical fitness focused on health (H-RF). The examined group comprised people representing various stratification systems in terms of gender, age, education, place of residence, and financial situation.Results. It has been found that health-related fitness (H-RF) was significantly differentiated in the society. Age was the factor most strongly differentiated various components of adult physical fitness. On the one hand, this reflected strong regressive and involutional changes that occur over the course of time, yet on the other hand, this confirmed intergenerational changes. In addition, factors which significantly differentiated various components of adult physical fitness included place of residence, level of education, and financial situation.Conclusions. Higher levels of education, better financial situations, and living in a city were associated with more desirable levels of various components of adult physical fitness, and were indications of optimum health levels. The social differences in physical fitness among men were more evident than among women, which was probably connected with men’s higher eco-sensitivity.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Jopkiewicz, Jacek Gawron
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