Health related-guality of life in the group of bladder cancer patients
Journal Title: Onkologia Polska - Year 2006, Vol 9, Issue 4
Introduction: Health related-Ouality of life (HR-OL) is a multidimensional conception regarding psychological distress, somatic impairment and behavioral fluctuations. There are hospital environment, family and local circumstances to influence the HR-OL. Objectives: The main goal of the study was to measure the H R-QL among patients with bladder cancer. Material and methods: There was a group of 60 patients involved in the study randomized among patients with bladder cancer treated in urology departments. HR-OL was measured according authors' questionnaire based on Karnofsky scale and others. Results: 72.56% of patients have no complaints, no evidence of disease and were able to work or just have minor symptoms, 21.56% of patients present normai activity with effort and some symptoms of the disease or care for self but unabie to carry on normai activity. The most common is fear concerning theirselves (75.0%) and their families (72.55%). The limited ability to work is declared by 62.76% of patients. Interpersonal relations are restricted at 58.26% of the study group. Conclusions: The HR-QL measurement according to Schipper model revealed the results in the middle of the scale.
Authors and Affiliations
Eleonora Mess, Renata Zatoka, Kamila Jonak, Aleksandra Lisowska, Jarosław Dybko
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