Helen Longino krytyczny empiryzm kontekstualny – trzecia droga w filozofii nauki?
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia - Year 2010, Vol 35, Issue 2
The paper analyzes helen Longino’s critical contextual empiricism as a conception which claims to be adequate to ordinary research practice and at the same to constitute a genuine third way between philosophical and sociological understandings of science. It first characterizes Longino’s point of departure, i.e. her rejection of the radical dichotomy between rational and social factors in the development of science, and then presents the basic components of Longino’s view. This conception is empiricism, for it recognizes experience as the ultimate basis for science’s claims to be knowlege-providing enterprise; this empiricism is contextual, for it recognizes the importance of context – both epistemic and social – for processes of acquiring knowledge; and this contextual empiricism is critical, for this is the process of transformative criticism which transforms individual opinions into objective knowledge. Some presuppositions on which Longino’s conception rests and certain problems into which it runs are also discussed. The paper then shows that in fact this conception implicitly returns to many theses which were accepted in classical philosophy (even in Aristotle), including the classical conception of truth as adaequatio intellectus et rei and therefore in this respect Longino’s conception does not constitute any new and genuine third way in the philosophy of science. however, it is also argued that if those classical theses were removed from Longino’s conception, it becomes a sophisticated version of social constructivism.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik
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