Histopathological Study of Tumours and Tumour like Lesions of Jaw

Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 11


Abstract: Tumours of jaw can be odontogenic tumours (arise from tooth forming tissues) or non- odontogenic tumours. In addition to these, fibro-osseous lesions like fibrous dysplasia, cementoblastoma and also giant cell lesions, like central giant cell granuloma, cherubism, brown tumour of hyperparathyroidism along with cystic lesions in the jaw can present as tumours in the jaws. To analyse the histopathological pattern of tumours and tumor like lesions of jaw. A two years prospective study of Tumours and Tumour like lesions of jaw was conducted at Department of Pathology,OsmaniaGeneral Hospital, Hyderabad. Study was based upon the samples both biopsies as well as surgical specimens sent for diagnostic histopathological confirmation. A total number of 57 jaw lesions were received at the Department of Pathology, Osmania General Hospital during the two years period. Total number of biopsies in two years 8,729 Specimens of jaw lesions -57 (0.65%) Odontogenic Tumours -19 (33.3%) Non odontogenic Tumours -9 (15.7%) Tumour likes lesions -29 (50.8%). M: F Ratio: 1.1: 1 Common radiological appearance is well defined radiolucency. Ameloblastoma is the most common benign odontogenic tumour reported in the present study and among the non-odontogenic tumours, ossifying fibroma is the commonest benign neoplasm,

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. Mohd. Anwar Miya, Dr. N. Vivekanand


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How To Cite

Dr. Mohd. Anwar Miya, Dr. N. Vivekanand (2018). Histopathological Study of Tumours and Tumour like Lesions of Jaw. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 6(11), 4416-4421. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-479574