How can we help caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s dementia?

Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2015, Vol 172, Issue 1


Alzheimer disease (AD) caregivers experience significant changes in a social, family and professional life depending on diverse factors. The caregiver burden is mainly related to patients with behavioural disturbances (BPSD) and loss of cognitive functions. Caring for a patient with dementia directly links to significant psychological stress. It also affects the caregivers' physical and mental health. The psychiatric morbidity is higher among the caregivers population. Depression, anxiety disorder and insomnia have been found to be the most common. In this article, the authors share their own experiences and reflections from the use of psychotherapy with caregivers. The primary goal of psychotherapy is to help the patient's caregiver adapt to the new situation, and improving relationships andcommunication with the patient. An important element of therapy is to reign in emotions associated with exercising care, helping with getting over the loss a loved one, accepting restrictions imposed on social and family life, and preventing feelings of loneliness. The aims of therapeutic interventions should include: education about dementia, improving the effectiveness and skills needed to deal with patients, and fostering a sense of security. It seems that the best kind of help for caregivers of people suffering from dementia is theirsupport groups.

Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Rachel, Agnieszka Turkot


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  • EP ID EP101209
  • DOI 10.12740/PT/28915
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How To Cite

Wojciech Rachel, Agnieszka Turkot (2015). How can we help caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s dementia?. Psychoterapia, 172(1), 59-71.