Hypertension – diagnostic and therapeutic differencies in the elderly
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2011, Vol 24, Issue 5
According to WHO experts hypertension is the most common cause of mortality in global population. About 7.5 million people are dying every year because of the complications of hypertension. The frequency of hypertension is increasing with age as a consequence of many processes in the arteries, especially stiffness of the arteries. The frequency of hypertension is 29% and it is increasing with age in Polish society and in people older than 65 years it concerns 58% of women and 56% of men. A special form of hypertension which is concerned with the elderly is isolated systolic hypertension. It has influence on high risk of heart disease and stroke. In Poland, it concerns about 55% of the elderly. Hypertensive therapy in the elderly gives them benefits, but it has to be kept with preserving principles as individualisation of therapy and careful lowering the pressure.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Wąsowski, Ewa Marcinowska-Suchowierska
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