«… и принял кафедру в Варшаве». Дмитрий Яковлевич Самоквасов (1843–1911) как сотрудник Императорского Варшавского университета

Journal Title: Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 1


Samokvasov Dmitry Jakovlevitch [15 (27). 5. 1843, a farmstead near village Stakhorsiny, Novgorod-Seversky ujezd, Chernigovskaya province — 5 (18). 8. 1911, Moscow], a Russian historian-lawjer, archeologist, archivist. Landmarks of S.’s and career are connected not only with routine scientific and pedagogical activity of the university and academic spheres, but also with fruitful practical activity of a scientist aimed at discovering, preservation and popularization of material and documentary monuments of national history and culture. S. came from a languished family of nobility, went to Nowgorod-Severrskaya gymnasium, graduated from The St.Peterburg University, Department of Law, got his kandidat’s (1868), master’s (1873) and doctor’s (1878) degrees of State Law. He became a professor of the History of Russian Law of the Warsaw (1873–1892) and later of the Moscow (1894–1911) Universities. In 1892–1911 S. occupied the positionof the manager of the Moscow archive of the Ministry of Justice. S. was an active member of a few scientific societies (including Russian Geographical and Moscow Archeological Societies, the Societies of the Enthusiasts of Natural Sciences, of Antropology and Ethnography of the Moscow University, of many provincial societies) and organization (including the Imperial Archeological commitee in St.Petersburg, Historical museum and Archeological institution in Moscow, several provincial scientific archive commitees). S. was a delegate of the III–XIV All-Russia Archeological Congresses, participated in Antropological (Moscow, 1879) and World (Paris, 1878) exibitions. S. is an author of more than 200 published works.

Authors and Affiliations

Сергей Щавелев


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How To Cite

Сергей Щавелев (2018). «… и принял кафедру в Варшаве». Дмитрий Яковлевич Самоквасов (1843–1911) как сотрудник Императорского Варшавского университета. Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny, 0(1), 79-95. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-494565