İbn Sina ve Felix Ravaisson’da Alışkanlık ve Ahlâk İlişkisi Üzerine
Journal Title: Eskiyeni - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 29
The simple words, which have been used in daily life, may seem totally different with aid of the philosophical point of view. In this paper, we shall attempt to examine a word, the concept of habit we often use in daily life and its relation with morality as a practical area in the thoughts of Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and Ravaisson. Both of the thinkers, who were impressed by Aristotle, have assigned the concept of habit a private place in their understandings of morality. The paper, in one respect, shall take on a task to examine the relation between morality and habit.
Authors and Affiliations
Muhammed Enes Kala
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