İslam Ticaret Hukuku Açısından Mal Kavramının Tasnifine Yeni bir Yaklaşım
Journal Title: Eskiyeni - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 32
Islamic commercial law is one of the areas in which religion takes part along the life. The instructions about how marketing should be done or not, which constitute one of the dynamics of social life, have been developed in this law system. In Islamic commercial law, which goods or products can be a subject to marketing or not has been discussed in the matter of categorization of the properties. Traditional scholars have built this categorization in three areas. In this study, we aim to bring three new criteria for this categorization as a new approach.
Authors and Affiliations
Ahmet Bayraktar
Eskiyeni Anadolu İlahiyat Akademisi Dergisi 33. Sayı
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