This text deals with income taxation of entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic. It concerns construction of the tax and especially the tax base and compare taxation of employees and self-employed persons. The lump sum expen...
Dominant opinion claims there is a possibility of criminal liability towards a person, who has sold a movable property, belonging to the nuptial commonage of estate, without a consent of the spouse. The opinion is improp...
The “classical” democracies of the Western world showed a weakness towards totalitarian systems. The Weimar Constitution of Germany enabled Hitler to gain power. Turkey, as a result of Atatürk’s heritage, defends itself...
The purpose of the text is to develop a map of cosmic sciences in applied philosophy; a look at space-time through the prism of the cosmic horizon; understanding of innovations related to the development of space technol...
The author is searching for an answer to the question of whether the European Union needs own solutions in the area of taxation of digital economy and whether the solution offered by the European Commission, which is tax...
EP ID EP62253
Views 85
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How To Cite
Przemysław Krawczyk (2009). [i][b]Rola zasady proporcjonalności w wyznaczaniu granic prawa własności[/b][/i]. Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem, 1(1),
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[b]Income Taxation of Entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic[/b]
This text deals with income taxation of entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic. It concerns construction of the tax and especially the tax base and compare taxation of employees and self-employed persons. The lump sum expen...
Takeover of Property in View of Nuptial Commonage of Estate
Dominant opinion claims there is a possibility of criminal liability towards a person, who has sold a movable property, belonging to the nuptial commonage of estate, without a consent of the spouse. The opinion is improp...
[b][i]Does Modern Democracy Have the Instruments to Defend Itself? Based on the Israel Example[/i][/b]
The “classical” democracies of the Western world showed a weakness towards totalitarian systems. The Weimar Constitution of Germany enabled Hitler to gain power. Turkey, as a result of Atatürk’s heritage, defends itself...
Closer to the Sky. The Philosophy of Cosmic Sciences
The purpose of the text is to develop a map of cosmic sciences in applied philosophy; a look at space-time through the prism of the cosmic horizon; understanding of innovations related to the development of space technol...
Proposals for the Taxation of a Significant Digital Presence in the European Union
The author is searching for an answer to the question of whether the European Union needs own solutions in the area of taxation of digital economy and whether the solution offered by the European Commission, which is tax...