Ichtiofauna różnych typów rybackich jezior zlewni Drawy i Piławy
Journal Title: Roczniki Naukowe Polskiego Związku Wędkarskiego - Year 2015, Vol 28, Issue
The aim of the study was to determine the composition and biomass of species of fish in selected lakes that vary in types of fishery. The research was conducted with Nordic benthic and pelagic multi-mesh gillnets. Seventeen species of fish inhabit all studied lakes. The qualitative composition of ichthyofauna in the investigated water bodies of Western Pomerania did not differ significantly from other lakes of similar fishery types in other parts of Poland. Roach and perch were pronounced dominants in terms of biomass in the lakes of each fishery type. In all lakes we observed a small percentage of biomass of species that are typical for a given fishery type.
Authors and Affiliations
Robert Czerniawski, Józef Domagała, Małgorzata Pilecka-Rapacz, Grzegorz Kraczek, Łukasz Sługocki, Tomasz Krepski
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