Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2016, Vol 9, Issue 14
Статтю присвячено поглядам О. О. Потебні на мовний розвиток. Проаналізовано такі характеристики мовного розвитку в концепції Потебні, як загальність, об’єктивність, наступність, еволюційність, якісний характер. Особливу увагу приділено тезі Потебні про те, що розвиток мови є поступальним процесом, підпорядкованим прогресу. З цього погляду детально розкрито особливості критики Потебнею теорії двох періодів мовного розвитку. The universal, objective, continuous and evolutional character of language development in O. O. Potebnia’s concept is under research. Proceeding with I. I. Sreznevskiy’s statement about the interrelation of the old and the new as a source of language development, Potebnia asserted that ruining the old is at the same time creating the new. The linguist’s works prove that, by him, the new” is not only added to language (quantitative approach) but, moreover, changes «the old», rebuilds it. Special attention is paid to Potebnia’s idea about language development being an onward process that follows the progress. By Potebnia, language development is an unceasing, though often inconsistent, movement forward, to further improvement of means and resources of every language. It is a complicated and nonlinear process, which can evolve from the prime to the complex and from the complex to the prime. It was that interpretation of the process of language development that caused Potebnia criticize the theory of the two periods of language development. The conception of the two periods of language development: the prehistoric period of creating and advancing grammatical forms (and language elements in different levels) and the historic period of their decay – expanded significantly in 20-s – 60-s of XIX ct. (G. Hegel, F. Bopp, J. Grimm, W. von Humboldt, A. Schleicher, G. Curtius, A. Kh. Vostokov, N. I. Grech, M. N. Katkov, F. I. Buslayev, I. I. Sreznevskiy). In middle XIX ct. the theory of the two periods was criticized (from the romantic position) by K. S. Aksakov. Revealing the unreasonable character of the theory of the two periods is undoubtedly Potebnia’s merit. Criticizing the statement about the decay of grammatical forms in the second period of language life, Potebnia pointed out that there was no decay of the forms: inflexions disappeared but the total quantity of the forms didn’t reduce. So, disappearance of some language forms by no means indicated to disappearance of form creation. Existence of analytical forms in language was treated by Potebnia as an index of perfection of form creating means. Concerning the development of the language sound store, Potebnia opposed the popular idea that phonetic changes were a language «disease». Potebnia’s assertions were highly appreciated by V. Jagić. Further on, the theory of the two periods of language development was criticized in «The Neogrammarians’ Manifesto». In historiographers’ opinion, the theory of the two periods of language development with its artificial frames, schematism, metaphysicism, with its discrepancy with real facts and processes of language development restricted greatly the historical approach to linguistic studies in 20-s – 60-s of XIX ct. Nevertheless, it would be difficult to agree with the completely negative treatment of the theory of the two periods. Beyond question, this theory had positive importance: in the first half of XIX ct. it incited looking for regularities in language development, promoted systematizing the knowledge in the history of Indo-European languages, and its decay was caused by accumulation and understanding of this knowledge that demonstrated invalidation of the idea, that in the historic period (written period) language systems do not improve their means, but, on the contrary, degrade, lose their organic harmony and formal completeness instead. Thus, Potebnia suggested a deep and complex characteristics of the process of language development. The Ukrainian scientist gave an all-round argumentation to the statement that languages lose certain forms, gain new ones, which cannot be treated as «better» or «worse». It goes without saying, it influenced the development of comparativehistorical linguistics.
Authors and Affiliations
Volodymyr Glushchenko
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