Identifying optimum schedule from a kinetic point of view in obstructive chronic bronhopneumopaty
Journal Title: Gymnasium - Scientific Journal of Education, Sports and Health - Year 2011, Vol 12, Issue 1
Modern therapeutic approach of obstructive ventilatory disorder includes, apart from primary prophilaxy and pharmacological treatment, the methodology of respiratory recovery. The research group was made up of 10 patients aged between 22- 34 years, tested both in the beginning and in the end using the PEAK FLOW VOLUME apparatus. Following the research performed, we may state that identifying optimum schedule from a kinetic point of view in asthma and obstructive chronic bronhopneumopaty positively influence the symptomatology, which confirms the work hypothesis. Integration in school, family, society of persons suffering from respiratory disorders, especially for persons having asthma is very limited due to expressions very often seen in persons from sick persons’ habitat: “don’t run, don’t jump, don’t do sports, because it’s bad for you”. Thus, I shall try to prove that physical exercise, movement in general, is actually helpful.
Authors and Affiliations
Ioana Cristina NECŞOI, Luminiţa Ionela GEORGESCU
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