The case of assignment Gdańsk and Toruń to Prussia during the proceedings of the Grate (Four-Year) Sejm
Since the first partition of Poland, whereby Prussia received Warmia and province of Malbork (without the cities of...
The article is an excerpt from a larger work devoted to calling by title of the Jagiellonian dynasty in Poland in the years 1386–1572. In the previous article the author took up the Mazovian and Rutheanian titulary of th...
Source materials for history of parliamentary system of Grand Duchy of Lithuania in last three decades of 16th century in the collection of National Library of Russia in St. Petersburg.
The objective of the article was t...
The development of the Latvian cities heraldry can be divided into 6 stages including in particular the evolution of the municipal coats of arms in the period from the 13th to the end of the 20th century as well as takin...
Artykuł ma na celu przybliżenie zagranicznych podróży edukacyjnych młodzieży z dwóch polsko-inflanckich rodów senatorskich, Borchów i Hylzenów. Rozproszona i zdekompletowana podstawa źródłowa do badań nad tym zagadnienie...
EP ID EP316758
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How To Cite
Dorota Lewandowska (2017). III ogólnopolska konferencja genealogiczna (Brzeg, 14–16 X 2016). Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica, 24(24),
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Sprawa cesji Gdańska i Torunia na rzecz Prus podczas obrad Sejmu Czteroletniego
The case of assignment Gdańsk and Toruń to Prussia during the proceedings of the Grate (Four-Year) Sejm Since the first partition of Poland, whereby Prussia received Warmia and province of Malbork (without the cities of...
Tytulatura pruska, chełmińska, elbląska, królewiecka, sambijska i michałowska na dokumentach i listach Kazimierza Jagiellończyka. Przyczynek do intytulacji Jagiellonów
The article is an excerpt from a larger work devoted to calling by title of the Jagiellonian dynasty in Poland in the years 1386–1572. In the previous article the author took up the Mazovian and Rutheanian titulary of th...
Źródła do dziejów systemu parlamentarnego Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego ostatniego trzydziestolecia XVI wieku w zbiorach Rosyjskiej Biblioteki Narodowej w Petersburgu
Source materials for history of parliamentary system of Grand Duchy of Lithuania in last three decades of 16th century in the collection of National Library of Russia in St. Petersburg. The objective of the article was t...
Städteheraldik Lettlands im Mittelalter
The development of the Latvian cities heraldry can be divided into 6 stages including in particular the evolution of the municipal coats of arms in the period from the 13th to the end of the 20th century as well as takin...
Podróże edukacyjne zamożnej szlachty z województwa inflanckiego w XVIII wieku. Przykład Borchów i Hylzenów
Artykuł ma na celu przybliżenie zagranicznych podróży edukacyjnych młodzieży z dwóch polsko-inflanckich rodów senatorskich, Borchów i Hylzenów. Rozproszona i zdekompletowana podstawa źródłowa do badań nad tym zagadnienie...