Mapa Bernarda Wapowskiego a Chorografia Jana Długosza. Zarys analityczno-syntetyczny
Journal Title: Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica - Year 2015, Vol 22, Issue 22
The Map by Bernard Wapowski versus Chorography by Jan Dlugosz. The analytical and synthetic outline The article compares two outstanding personalities and their works showing the Polish Kingdom (Corona Regni Poloniae). The first of them was Jan Długosz (1415–1480) and his ’Chorography’, the other one is Bernard Wapowski (1450–1535), author of the first map of the Polish Kingdom. The article shows the process of creating these works, moreover, common inspiration for both authors and the creative process were examined. Comparing the informative value of Chorography and of the Wapowski’s map of the Polish Kingdom, author tried to answer the question whether Wapowski used the Długosz’es work as a source for his research. The answer to this question was positive. The common element of both works was a river network on which Dlugosz was focused and which was the main point of orientation in the Wapowski’s map. Additionally, the author compared Poland’s urban network and the accuracy of its performance in both sources.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Paszczyk
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