Immunosupressive means: study of assortment and consumption in Ukraine


Immunosuppressive drugs (immunosuppressants) are drugs of various pharmacological and chemical groups suppressing immunological reactions in the body. Immunosuppressants are prescribed for the treatment of severe autoimmune diseases and inhibition of the graft rejection reaction. Aim. To study the range and consumption of immunosuppressants on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine for 2014-2016. Materials and methods. The calculation of immunosuppressants consumption was carried out according to DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day or DID. Results. During 2014-2016 immunosuppressants were represented on the market from 44 to 51 TN based on 14 INN predominantly foreign manufacturers (90 %). The vast majority range of immunosuppressants on the market belonged to methotrexate (27-24 %) and cyclosporine (23-20 %). The drugs prices varied in a wide range, but increase every year. The total consumption of drugs was low and amounted to 0.23 DID (2014), 0.33 DID (2015), 0.30 DID (2016), respectively. Methotrexate preparations had the highest consumption volumes, which is associated with their relatively low cost, the availability of generic drugs, proven efficacy in rheumatic and oncological diseases. Conclusions. A sufficient assortment of immunosuppressive agents is presented on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. The volume indicators of immunosuppressants consumption are generally rather low, which may be caused by significant cost of this drugs group treatment.

Authors and Affiliations

O. V. Tkachоva, G. V. Nogachevska


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  • EP ID EP658339
  • DOI 10.24959/uekj.19.18
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How To Cite

O. V. Tkachоva, G. V. Nogachevska (2019). Immunosupressive means: study of assortment and consumption in Ukraine. Управління, економіка та забезпечення якості в фармації, 2(58), 70-75.