Theoretical and methodological approaches to development of the “road map” for promoting a new medicine product to the pharmaceutical market
Journal Title: Управління, економіка та забезпечення якості в фармації - Year 2019, Vol 2, Issue 58
The aim of the article is to develop theoretical and methodological approaches to composing the “road map” to promote a new medicine product (МР) to the market. The methodological basis of the research is the statements of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, analytical companies of the pharmaceutical market, scientific publications and reports. During the research we used the following methods, namely: marketing, system-based and analytical, modeling, logical analysis and generalization, structural grouping, “road mapping”. Results and discussion. The article indicates that “road maps” are one of the most effective tools for solving problems to enhance innovative potential and for improving the process of making strategic decisions to promote a new MP to the market, which are successfully applied by a number of foreign high-tech companies. We have developed the model of the “road map” for promoting a new MP to the pharmaceutical market, as well as detailed implementation of its stages. Conclusions. The model of the “road map” was developed to promote a new MP to the market, the implementation of which will ensure pharmaceutical enterprises to effectively market the product, by taking strategic decisions on defining the communicative and economic efficiency of the promotion process. We have proposed the methods of risk modeling while implementing the “road map” model for promoting MP to the market.
Authors and Affiliations
A. B. Olkhovska, V. V. Malyi
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